Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reviewer in Asian History (Part 1/2)

Lesson 27: Early History of India
Rajputs- the title given to the Huns by the Hindus. It means "sons of kings". They were absorbed by the Kshatriyas.

Hindu Caste System Levels:
Brahmin- religious men/holy men.
Kshatriyas- warriors,rulers an landowners.
Vaishyas- merchants and traders.
Shudra/Shudras- artists and agriculturalists.
Harjan/"Untouchables"- dirty ones.

712 B.C.E.- Muslim invasion of India came. The invaders came from Afghanistan, Turkestan and Central Asia.
First Wave of Muslim Invasion:
Mahmud Ghori- raided and plundered India 17 times and annexed  Northwestern Punjab to his Afghan Kingdom.
Muhammad Ghazni- started conquering city after city until he reached Benares.
Ala-ud-din- established the "Slave Dynasty"
Khalji- overthrew the "Slave Dynasty" and extended the Muslim supremacy to Delhi. He started the Delhi Sultanate.
Muhammad bin Tughluq-  the best Delhi Sultan.
Timurlane/Timur the Lame- sacked India and later swept through Eastern Europe.
Sayyid Dynasty- replaced the Tughluq Dynasty.
Bahloi Lodi- failed in maintaining the Delhi Sultanate.

Second Wave of Muslim Invasion:
Babur "The Tiger"- started the Mughal dynasty.
Akbar the Great- greatest Mughal ruler. He was 13 years old when he ascended to the throne.
Jahangir- Akbar's son who was known as the "World Grasper" he had an addiction to wine.
Nur Jahan- Jahangir's wife who kept the empire in good condition.
Shah Jahan- the builder of Taj Mahal, a museum for Muntaz Taj Mahal.
Aurangzeb- the son of Shah Jahan he tried to make an Islamic empire.

Minarets- towers where Muslims are called to pray.
Purdah- the seclusion of women.
Suttee- a wife burns herself alive to show her loyalty to her husband.
Lesson 28: Early Civilization of Japan

Beginnings of Japan:
Ainus- The original inhabitants of Japan. The word Ainu means "human".
Kojiki- the records of Japan's ancient history.
Nihonji- "The Chronicles of Japan"
Jimmu "Tenno"- the first emperor of Japan, he founded the Yamato clan.
"Tenno"- means "Son of Heaven"

The Nara Period:
Nara- the first capital of Japan.
Wani- a Confucian scholar who tutored the Japanese crown prince in 405 B.C.E.
Prince Shotoku- was a prince in ancient Japan. His real name was "Umayato" which means "door of stable".
Empress Amahobeno Hashinohito- the mother of Prince Shotoku.
The Seventeen Article Constitution- the first written code of law in Japan. The author is Prince Shotoku.

The Heian Period:
Heian-Kyo- means "The eternal capital of peace". It replaced Nara as the capital of Japan. It is present day Kyoto.
Lady Murasaki Shikibu- wrote "The Tale of Genji" and "The Shining Prince and His Many Romances". She was the leading writer of her time.
"The Tale of Genji"- is considered by many as the world's first novel.
Taira and Minamoto- the two clans that fought for control of Japan.
Minamoto clan- emerged as the winner above the Taira.
Minamoto Yoshitsune- lead the Minamoto fleet to victory against the Taira.
Minamoto Yoritomo- the first Shogun of Japan. He was given the title "Sei-tai Shogun" which means "The Barbarian Subduing General".
Bakufu- "Tent Government" the title given to the Shogunate.
Shogunate- Japan's military government.

The Feudal System:
Feudalism- a relationship between the landowner and farmer.
Feudum- the Latin word from which the word "Feudalism" is derived from. It means "grant of land".

Three Great Shogunates:
1. Kamakura Shogunate
2. Ashikaga Shogunate
3. Tokugawa Shougnate

Daimyos- "Great names"
Shomyos- "Small names"
Samurais- warriors who protected the Shogunate.
Bushido- "Way of the warrior" a code of conduct that the samurais followed.
Seppuku or Harakiri- suicide.
Kamikaze- the divine wind.
Lesson 30: Early History of Korea
Korea- is known as the "Hermit Kingdom".

Early History of Korea:
2333 B.C.E- Korea's history "began".
King Tangun- established the first Kingdom "Choson".
Choson- means "Land of the Morning Calm".

Three Kingdoms of Korea:
1. Koguryo- was the first to mature into a kingdom along the Yalu river. It is the strongest among the three kingdoms.
2. Paekche- is known as the peace loving kingdom among the three.
3. Silla- was the weakest and most underdeveloped of the three kingdoms.

Unification of Korea
Wang Kien- united Korea into a single nation and called it Koryo.

Koryo's Achievements:
1.The Korean blue green celadon that represents the refined taste of the Korean aristocrats was highly prized throughout Asia.

2. The world's first movable metal type printing was invented in 1234.

3. The Buddhist sermons placed on large woodblocks numbering 80,000 called Trpiptaka Koreana 
was completed.

4. They adopted the Chinese system of civil service examination.

Choson Dynasty: (1392-1910)
Yi-Taijo- staged a revolution to overthrow the Wang Dynasty. He founded the Choson Dynasty.
Hangul- the Korean alphabet.
Sejong- was the fourth Choson monarch he introduced the Korean alphabet. His rule was considered as the "Golden Age" of Korean history.

Japan Invades Korea: -)
Toyotomi Hideyoshi- a Japanese warrior who requested Korea to make way for his invasion of China.
Admiral Yi Sun-shin- dealt the Japanese their first naval defeat.

After the Manchu invasion, Korea closed its doors for 250 years and became known as the "Hermit Kingdom"

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