Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reviewer in Asian History (Part 2/2)

Lesson 31: Early Explorations and Discoveries:

3 G's

The Travels of Marco Polo:
Marco Polo- an Italian traveler who went eastward and served in China for more than 17 years.
Kublai Khan- the Mongolian emperor of China whom Marco Polo served under.
The Description of The World- the book that Marco Polo wrote that inspired the Europeans to travel to the East.
1295- the year when the Polos returned to Venice.
Rusticiano- was Marco Polo's fellow prisoner who took his stories into account in a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo".

The Crusades:
The Crusades- were a military expeditions to regain Jerusalem, the Holy Land of the Christians from the Muslims. The Crusades stimulated trade between Europe and the Far East.

Search For New Trade Routes:
Mohammedan Turks- gained control of the trade routes with the capture of Constantinople in 1453.
Prince Henry the Navigator- inspired and helped launch the age of discovery in the 1400s.
Compass- an instrument used to indicate direction.
Astrolabe- tells how far or from the north or south equator the ship is.

Portugal and Spain Led the Early Exploration of the East:
Bartholomew Diaz- He reached the southernmost tip of Africa. He named the place the Cape of Storm.
Vasco de Gama- He reached India through the Cape of Good Hope.
Francisco de Almeida- first viceroy of Portugal.
Alfonso de Albuquerque- captured Goa and made it the capital of Portuguese India.
"Tito" Ferdinand Magellan- first to circumnavigate the world.

Ships of Magellan:
1. Victoria
2. Trinidad
3. Concepcion
4. San Antonio
5. Santiago

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi- established Spain's empire in the Philippines.
Padre Pedro de Valderama- held the first mass in the Philippines in 1521.
Lesson 32: European Nations Established Colonies in Asia
Colonization- is the acquisition of lands for commercial and religious motives.

Portugal's Colonial Empire:
Portuguese- were the first to establish an overseas empire in Asia.
"Ocean Devils"- the name given to the Europeans by the Chinese.
Rafael Perestrello- was the first Portuguese to visit China.
Macao- the colony established by Portugal and remained one until 1999.
1542- the year when a group of Portuguese landed in Japan.
Francis Xavier- "The Apostle of the Indies" who introduced Christianity to Japan.

Spain's Colonial Empire:
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi- began the occupation of the Philippines by Spain.
Cebu- where the first Spanish settlement was established.
Prayle/Missionaries- spread Christianity in the Philippines.

The English Colonial Empire:
Queen Elizabeth- granted a charter to a commercial enterprise known as the East India Company.
Madras,Bombay and Calcutta- where the English first established their trading posts.
350 Years- the length of time India became a colony of Britain.

The Dutch Colonial Empire:
Batavia- where the first Dutch settlement was established.
Dutch East India Company- had the exclusive right to establish trade between the Netherlands and the Far East.
Nagasaki- the first trading post of the Dutch in Japan.
1638- the year when the Dutch were allowed by Japan to trade and to maintain a trading post.

The French Colonial Empire:
Pondicherry- the first French trading post in Asia.
Joseph Francois Dupleix- the colonial administrator of France.
Robert Clive- was the greatest viceroy of India.
Battle of Plassey- where the French were defeated by the English army in 1757.

The Russian Colonial Empire:
Yermak Timofeyevich- lead the Cossacks in the expansion of Russia.
Cossacks- fierce adventure-loving nomads.
Siber- the capital of the Mongols that the Cossacks captured.

Cities Founded by the Russians:

Amur River- where the Russians met the Chinese.
The Treaty of Nerchinsk- drew a defenite boundary between China and Russia.

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